⚖️Fair Entry Strategy

RACEFI team has plenty of experience in the crypto world and especially with NFT projects. We really enjoy the space but there is one thing we have set out to change, and it is VERY important to us.
The usual path of a project goes like this:
1. Starts out with relatively cheap prices – little exposure
2. Prices rise on the secondary market – more exposure
3. Drops from the project start to get priced higher as the secondary market grows – max exposure
4. New entrants wish to join and play – difficult to do with exorbitant entry prices
This means user bases grow slower than they should as people start to get priced-out (not affordable for newcomers). Slower growth is not something a long-term minded project wants to have. User base and community are incredibly important and should not be neglected for long-term success.
Therefore, to improve this problem, we established the Fair Entry Strategy.
Fair Entry Strategy
We believe that games should be affordable to start playing no matter how long a game has been around. For this reason, we endeavor to always have a Rookie car available for a new player to buy at around $20 USD. We also value car in all of our drops at approximately the same prices. For example, an Aero Class car will remain the same cost from drop to drop. This does not apply to other types of ownable game assets.
Everything about RACEFI our team build will give players a fair amount of opportunity.