
Ryan Carter
November 11, 2024
- RaceFi pre-released Mobile Version
September, 2021Graphic designsSmart contract developmentWebsite Debut
October, 2021Smart Contract developmentNFT Cars release phase 1Game developmentThe marketplace open for the player to trade their NFTs
November 2021Staking launchNFT Cars release phase 2NFTs owners can preview their purchase (View game assets, change names, no game play)
December, 2021Launch MAP game version NFT Cars release phase 3RACEFI holders will also get early access to the platform and will be the first ones invited to test game features.
QI, 2022NFT Cars release phase 4Game ReleaseAfter beta version release we will continue update racetrack, gas station, and more
QII, 2022Battle mode launch
QIII, 2022Ads serrvice integration
Author Ryan Carter